Mastering Tag Management

Tags are essential for organizing your Insights in a way that makes sense for your discovery process. With Innovation Within, you start with six built-in tags: Feedback, General Insight, Interview Candidate, New Feature, New Hypothesis, and New Question. However, you can tailor these to fit your needs perfectly.

Getting Started with Tag Management

Open Tag Management

  • Click on the tag icon labeled "Manage Tags" in the Insight Creator. A popup will appear, showcasing your favorite tags first.

Add New Tag Groups

  • To create a new group of tags, click the + icon at the bottom of the popup. Enter your desired group name or identifier and press Enter to save.

Add Tags to Your Groups

  • Inside your newly created group, click the + icon to add individual tags. You can keep adding tags and creating more groups as needed!

Customize Your Favorites

  • To streamline your workflow, you might want to highlight certain tags. Easily add or remove tags from your favorites with a single click. Your favorite tags will then appear at the top of the Insight Creator for quick access.

Add Tags as You Go

Tagging Insights

  • While creating or editing Insights, you can quickly add tags. Just click within the tag selector, start typing, and hit Enter to apply the tag.

Reorganize Your Tags

  • When you revisit the Manage Tags popup, you’ll find newly added tags in the Custom Tags group. If you want to move them to a different group, click the "Move" icon and choose the appropriate group.

With these steps, you can effortlessly manage your tags, ensuring that your Insights are always organized and easily accessible.

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