Exporting Interviews
Export Interviews
Need to share your interview notes with stakeholders outside of the platform? We have you covered. You can export your interviews with full formatting with just one click.
Export All Interviews
From your Published or Drafts interview list click the "Export All Interviews" icon to export an html file of all of your team's interviews data.
You will receive an alert that the interviews are preparing for export.
When the interviews are ready, you will get a notification.
Export Individual Interviews
Export individual interviews by selecting "Export Interview" from the interview menu.
Interviews will be exported in HTML format and show both Published and Drafts Interviews.
Beneath the Interview Notes, the Insights from the Interview are listed.
Your Interview Notes will follow the Insights.
After Notes, you will see your Transcription. At this time Transcription formatting is not exported, only the text.
Need to export the audio from your interviews?