Available chat channels

Chat Channels

The Discovery Platform has six chat channels available for real time collaboration. Click the chat icon in the upper right corner to toggle the chat view on or off. Use the channel popup menu to switch chat channels. Some channels are optional and are enabled by your administrator.

Peer Feedback (Public): This is the primary channel used in the platform. The Peer Feedback channel allows other teams and instructors to provide feedback to your team. Each team in a cohort has their own Peer Feedback channel. When you switch to another team (via the Org tree) the Peer Feedback channel for that team will become active. 

Team Chat (Private): Work collaboratively with your team to coordinate interviews, assign tasks, and keep up with one another in Team Chat. This channel is only visible to members of a team.

Weekly/Period Chat (Private - Scoring Only): Discuss teams' progress while reviewing your fellow instructors' scores. Get to the bottom of how teams respond to your feedback and plan action.

General Chat (Public, Optional): The General Chat channel is a cohort-wide channel for broadcast messages for everyone in a cohort. When enabled everyone in the cohort can view and post messages to it. It does not change as you navigate between teams.

Instructor Feedback (Private, Optional): The Instructor Feedback channel allows the instructors in your cohort to give your team private feedback. This channel is team-specific and only available to the instructional team and members of the selected team.Team Members may also use this channel to directly communicate with the instructional team to get help or ask questions.

Instructor General (Private, Optional): The Instructor General channel is a cohort-wide channel for Broadcast messages to the instructional team only.

Instructor Chat (Private, Optional): The Instructor Chat is a team-specific channel private to instructors. It's used to by instructors to discuss the work of a specific team. This team-specific channel changes as you navigate from team to team.

Some chat channels may be disabled for your team or cohort.

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